Ugh we are very 'soft'.. Cousins really toughened up the team. It's very hard to stay positive, he and Kuz are our make or break players.. and we...
I don't see the big deal at all... most of those kids are huge Lebron fans I'm sure, can't even imagine if I'd have gotten to see Magic do that or...
Well he forgot to mention he's as tall as a skyscraper and this wont work for 99.9999% of the world. His jab step creates like 10ft of space...
Lebron goes down to injury after 45 games, Kuzma shoots 35% and Davis regrets joining the team. I hope I'm wrong.
Vegas had Kawhi staying in Toronto too
Bleh.. can see it already Lebron will be handling the rock far too often. Just like Kobe was doing late in his career when we were weak at the...
It's going to be hard for him to have that inflated ego on this club with all the history and playing beside two MVP caliber players.. could get...
Gross.... [IMG]
I have no idea what to expect from him minute wise, I would assume it's going to be 15-20 max.. if that. If he can play some defense and grab 3-4...
Kuz, if he isn't somehow slaughtered and sent off in a last minute trade, can make or break our chances at greatness. He's really treading that...
Disappointed a club this historic that's generally treated it's franchise/star players so well took so much risk on this guy. There wasn't a lot...
It's a good thing he has such great footwork! I cannot imagine being surrounded by so many girls.. congrats to Kobe and Vanessa. Now come out of...
I like it, Welcome back.
Actually yes, because Lebron has a crazy amount of minutes played. He's so old when you look at his minutes played, I know he's a freak of nature...
I'm glad A.D. is onboard but the supporting cast is questionable at best and LeBron has so many minutes played.... can see the writing on the wall...
No doubt.. he's worth what half a billion already as well? That has a lot of influence on the other cats who surround him, especially legit star...
I just hope he doesn't run Lebron into the ground, Lebron conserves on the defensive end these days... clearly, and this is a very defense...