I agree, not much to be optimistic about, but there is always something, as in last night with Hibbert playing well, and the competitiveness of...
Let me make my injury point clearer...the ONLY reason to not extend him until the end of the season is fearing a serious injury THIS season.After...
I'm getting a real kick out of watching Nance play.I see his potential as not just a bench guy but as a starter. He plays a "complete" game, both...
The ONLY reason to not extend him is the possibility of injury, serious injury.No he's far from an elite center however those are few and far...
Something that also bothered me in the last game was Scott taking Kobe out with a minute to go, and bringing in Nance, who he had banished to the...
I have to believe Upshaw will be on the roster by the new year, why not?
I nearly kicked the TV last night at the point near the end, Dallas goes small, Scott reacts by putting Bass in for Hibbert, Dallas goes right to...
He is probable at this time
Me too, I had a feeling this early part of the season his play and health would determine if he wanted to play out the season, and if not just sit...
Another good take I completely agree with...http://www.silverscreenandroll.com/2015/11/11/9711018/la-lakers-fire-byron-scott
You forgot the player with the most usage plus the worst rating, the albatross hurting the team's development ....Kobe.
I've been searching high and low on here and other sites to try and find one single post defending Scott...crickets... Even D'antoni had peeps...
He's left me with complete disappointment so far....at times he shows well on offense but then goes and plays out of control for a brick or...
He must get more PT period,great energy, hustle, defense, and now looking like his shot is coming around as well.Paired with the rejuvenated MWP...
Good points, and at the other end they had a foul to give...but did not, game over..
I agree, it is too late to get anyone already coaching as an assistant or head college coach which limits the field....but Larry Brown is in a...
Former Laker Tyron Lue...?
I'm disillusioned but still optimistic this roster is better than they've had the last two years.Growing pains are tough to watch, I had hoped...
His rotations in the 4th period last night lost the team, they quit on him. I think his days are numbered, possibly as soon as this road trip...
I sat watching Bass play the 4th period at the 5, no Russell, no Black, 3 pt deficit turned into a blowout loss, nice job coach...he's gotta go