Yeah I tend to agree this was a make up meeting to smooth the Lakers ruffled feathers on the dialog that came out after the first meeting making...
Mason and Ireland are cracking me up...
I think they are holding off until the 9th to make an offer, the Magic have 3 days to match then, if they do it now they have until the 9th......
So it's come to this...Koufas who's likely to stay in Memphis after they lock up Gasol, or trade for Hibbert or Lee and their expiring deals in a...
Magic burned bridges with the comments in the media about the Busses and their ownership, true or not that stung so he's been banished.
I hope they're thinking they are being disrespected by these FA vets that are "unimpressed" with them, and come out this season with chips on...
He would be stupid, and so would the Lakers. I may be a spoiled Laker fan having watched all their great centers 'cept Mikan in person but he's...
Yet if he was a solid player, good locker room guy, leader...why would they let their best player walk, just my thoughts on him.
We low balled Monroe, he's not happy...Jordan has expressed little interest in the Lakers, and at this point I don't see the Lakers wanting to max...
Cousins... If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it is a way he helps this team out of the abyss...
No just to show how it's drying up...
Marc Stein @ESPNSteinLine 7m7 minutes ago Omer Asik and Pelicans are finalizing a deal, according to ESPN sources
I'm not on the Harris bandwagon. He put up great stats on a horrible team for 3 yrs and that team does not want him, Why?
I like everyone am totally bummed by how this is playing out. I'm trying to stay positive and intend to until I see how the final product on the...
Wade is exactly what they should not do! Spending cap money on damaged goods on his downside, plus where does he play? What young prospects get...
Time to start studying Draft Express for the top 3 prospects next year......lets make it a Center this time Mitch.
Lakerland is in shambles fellas, when the dust clears we all better hope Kobe is playing like he did 3 yrs ago and Russell and Randle are both top...
She's A Laker homer, mouthpiece... I wouldn't put to much stock in it
He's meeting with PJ in New York, They want both him and Monroe