Looks like the new management changing the way we do things.... wow.
I've been thinking about Russ and this team. I was one of the people who really liked the Russ signing mainly because, unlike many of our guards,...
It all!
Under new management. I am really curious what this does for us
Yea I think that axe was going to be swung no matter what happened.
Thanks for reading. I'm really proud of what these boys did this year plain and simple. A lot of people hating on this player or that player and...
I just saw that the officiating crew for our game won't be back for the rest of the playoffs. We had a chance to win against the odds but ive said...
Ill have more to say but this was my feeling right after the game I posted on my page.... It is nothing but a game. Nothing more than grown men...
It's time to push the chips into the center of the table. Their hand vs ours. No turning back. No redo's. No mulligans. No excuses. We picked flew...
Man what a game. I have to give credit to Justin that is one bad man for the SD Chargers. That game had everything and boy I'm glad we went punch...
I haven't been on for the last 3 wins so..... I hope to come in here celebrating the win!
steelers won. Vegas has to win or tie to be in now
Ive given Carr a bunch of heat for not playing well enough especially between the 2nd and 3rd quarters but one of the sports reporters said...
A lot of people counting out the Raiders today. It's funny to think of considering that the teams have the same record and the Raiders have just...
It seems like dude was sleeping it off instead of driving BUT WTF are these dudes thinking...
I think they used the running game well last game. I thought they used Mariota much better too. I dont mind Carr taking chances but sometimes he...
NFL sees the money maker and moves the Raiders/Bolts game to Sunday Night Football. This is as simple as it gets it is D. Carr's game for his...
OMG what a end. First, I have to give DC a lot of credit on that last drive. He scrambled and made a ton of plays. That Hunter catch was amazing....
The season is on Carrs shoulders and 2 min drill! Refs fkd us on that Bs PI call. Just popped in to say.... Today this dude can prove...