on the first offensive possession: I like the movement of Carr in the pocket in designed plays. He was spreading the ball well. The run game...
ugh miscommunication with waller and adams in the endzone. Waller drops the pass and we settle for another FG. Waller should of caught that
Carr is doing a good job spreading the ball around. Some much better passes. 3 and 2
See what we gonna do in our first Redzone try
Josh with a power run on 1st for the first down
wow... great protection for Carr who hits Mack for the 1st down. Beautifully played
two plays for losses. Leaves us 3rd and long
And miscommunication on the kick off we muff the punt but cover it. SMH. LEts see if QB1 can get it done. Quick shot to devante for a few. THen...
TD titans seemed inevitable . 7+ minute openning drive
right now the D is getting pressure but also giving up nice chunks of yards. Titans moving the ball down the field on the opening drive. Maxx has...
Okay last Sunday was a long day for me with a lot of highs that ended with a serious low with the Raiders blowing that game. It was great to get...
I think the O'line did a really good job in this game. I believe most of Carr's sacks was from him holding the ball to long and/or not having any...
Checking in after the game one loss. First, this loss is on Carr. He simply didn't make the passes he needed to the glairing two (for me) was...
for my first time I literally "ughed" a player coming. I do not like this dude at all. It'll take some time to digest him on our team. That being...
man... can't wait to see what these boys do. There is no excuse for this offense this year especially if the blocking gives carr some time. Really...
Yaa? I haven't been paying attention. Figure the first 4 pages of this thread will tell me if we hate it or love it.
Love putting the preachers back in the monastery. Those was some nice homers too. Man this team can be explosive. Was disappointed with Betts...
Cody is making dat contact again! This lineup can erupt for a lot of runs. I can see them going on some great winning streak runs.
Love this kid
That receiving core is fricking amazing. I'm like Carr has zero excuses with those dogs.