Those are telling stats, true this is summer league but given what we've seen so far how can we not get excited!!
I love LFR podcasts, if you really want to get schooled on breakdowns of players they do such an awesome job.
Can't say i know much about Ian Clark, wasn't he playing a bit of SG on the Warriors? At this point i liked what Ennis did last at the end of this...
Great signing with KCP on board, those clips are great examples of his defensive prowess!
Can't deny that, that's for sure. We'll see how it plays out the rest of summer league, i dont see the erratic turnovers that dlo was making yet...
I think the first play with his alley-op already opened eyes to those that haven't been familiarized with his court vision. He was slinging some...
That was an awful game by Zu, there was play where he was suppose to switch with BI on defensively . Zu was slow to react and the man just ran by...
Love his demeanor in this interview, can't wait to see his improvement from the offseason.
It's funny, Brandon Ingram and I share the same initials. Didn't even think he'd be even be in the picture when I created the name. Low and...
I think this was a great pick up, alot of intangibles . Some of the media say he can turn out into a Malcom Brogdan type player, totally OK with...
[MEDIA] Welcome Zo, had to share this from Reddit lol.. droppin bombs before Woj.
i can dig the courtside theme too,This and Sunday Whites like most others is easier on the eye. The theme also makes members profile photo stand...
[MEDIA] Julius looking ripped, must be the daddy life weight lol.
more like shame on Julius, looked like he skipped leg day. lmao
+1 We only know what our eyes tell us, but I have complete faith with the new regime and the scouting department they will choose best player to...
Nice piece by Pincus.
Him getting injured seems like an annual thing, and the thought of me warming up to Griffin just went out the door after i heard the news lol.
I agree, with what was said to him by Magic and Rob after their practice that turnover was a face palm moment when he came in. With that being...
Brew and his slashing ability shows he's still got plenty in the tank. But Deng was so pedestrian all season it was so disappointing.
] Lol, somethings never change! Im more of a lurker these days but lakersball is great you guys fit right in. btw what was the website called...