Fellas nobody is getting signed by the Lakers until Kawhi makes a decision
Well since you claim to be sooooo clueless. I'll clear it up for you. You made the comment "You Guys aren't going to make me respect Marcellu...
Boogie has no price tag to bring down. Why do you think he had to call around to get picked up the last time?
Make you respect Marcellus????? Wow! ROTFLMAO!!!!! Boy somebody really overstating their importance in the circle of life right about now....
You literally just summed it up. "It's just a SHOW" lol... It's like getting an attitude because wrestling is fake. Smh......rotflmbo
Nah... what you literally said was "Marcellus is a clown, I refuse to listen to him". Which doesn't implies that you didn't listen to the clip....
You didn't actually listen to the video did you?
But yet in that same amount of time and more. You were able to reply. Bruh just stop.....smh
There's better out there
Okay they are playing word games. [MEDIA]
Links please
I never question if he did.