Salary would increase every year, right?
@Heej Oh he's grown alright. For me he went from being alright and trying to do good blatant Laker hating. For that, I just can't...
Hey...heads up... you said that part about being a Windhorst stan using your out loud voice.
what in the hell Windhorst.
Now that this is official...can we make Rambomb a thing. I mean if you can Woj, Woj..then you probably deserve your own thing right.
but...but...but....that's where I got my entire collection of Lakers gear.
I hear if you get a piece of ear in the right spot between your teeth it can help with that.
Cuffs is my new favorite hype man...all these little tasters get me pumped up.
I think that is a problem we can live with... First, we'd have who cares. Second, if we get Kawhi, we know we'll be stuck filling our...
That's pretty crazy....Laker Nation representing.
I could see Klay and Cousins staying in GS. With KD gone, Cousins could be there 3rd star type if they are willing to pay him.
Oh shizzz. Spit my drink out on that one.
If that’s true, can we get your title changed to “Laker’s 6th Toe Man”
Bummer. Another guy I thought might come on the cheap making 10m a year. I’d offer Seth the room exc. now and see if he’d take it.
Agreed it is a well respected organization. I suppose I think option wise we still look better, but I could be homering.
Really?? I would think with KD gone and Klay out for the year they would have a much harder time getting those role players.
You know those Ballmer Bucks are still in circulation until they get a hard no.
Weren’t we speculating 20-21 to get Mil to not match. Guess it was that amount plus a bunch of picks. Another move that we could never have made.
This is interesting. Weren’t they supposed to be in play for DLo and Rubio was supposedly going to Indy. This could take a team out of the DLo...