Ewwww... gross. I just imagined Woj dropping a... ahem “bomb” on Simmons!
Holy crap! It’s TRD! Welcome back! This couldn’t be a better stretch of several days with your return and the return of a competitive Lakers team!
I wish I could like this a bajillion times... especially the bolded part!
Well, they do have the NBA role model Robert Williams III so the C Bags certainly can absorb the loss. (I'm secretly loving their implosion! Hehe!)
What about DeAndre Jordan? He averaged 11 points and 13.1 rebounds while shooting 64.1 percent from the field. He would provide some muscle down...
This is from BSPN. I think the bolded part is interesting...
I love that SAS calls him out but LaVar just is constantly spinning crap. He's either really smart and just spins crap by saying outrageous things...
Moody douchenozzle with a penchant to talk incessantly about poop. :Laugh:
I hope so because he's a good kid and consummate professional. He's worked his tail end off with the limitations that he has. He's improved and I...
I was reading that too but the trade exception based on timing could be as high as $11MM.
Wish we would have kept Zubac... he was cheap and could’ve started or spelled McGee (if he returns). That was such a dumb move. With a couple of...
But is the kid willing to put in the work? I mean REALLY put in the work? Some of these guys think that spending hours in the gym is what will do...
Question: I remember some obscure rule that doesn’t allow for trading first round picks in consecutive years or something like that. Can someone...
Yuck! :No2:
You forgot /sarcasm LOL!
J.J. Reddick is a free agent I believe and he’s a shooter that we could totally use.
Can’t wait to hear what he says...
Me too. This guy is gonna be an Allstar
Windy looks like Grimace! LOL! [ATTACH]
Drake is such a TOOL! He’s holding the trophy like he had something to do with it.