Dude, your level of LeBron love is nauseating and also concerning! :Laugh:
I agree with you but talent trumps coaching to a certain extent. Because when all things being equal (coaching) or fairly close to equal, the...
Regression to the mean? If you look at what he shot from 3-point land in college, you will see this who he is at this point. Do I think Kuz can...
I was sitting in the UofMinn law school library!
The guy is a tank but athletic.
Man, I was thinking about that the other day too. I joined CL while in law school... I think it was 2007 or 2008. I can't remember. I think it was...
AD was 6'2" PG I believe at the end of his sophomore season in HS. He was lightly recruited until he hit a major growth spurt to 6'10". See...
He might have some skills. :LLLLLebronlaughing::Laugh: It's why I have my son practice ball handling so much and why his private workout...
Safe travels and thanks for your contributions!
Is that Gerry Cooney?! Cooney would wear green trunks with a shamrock (see pic below). Mr. Glass Jaw got knocked out by Larry Holmes: [IMG] [IMG]
To PG... [IMG]
Can you imagine the looks he would get and he has a quick release too. He'd feel like a kid at Christmas!
Sirron who used to be a very active poster here made gifs with poop. They were hilarious... especially the ones with Byron Scott. I can't find...
My responses are below with no intent to offend but to point out a few things with some humor... 1. Khmrp might become a glass half full guy but...
I was reading the Hawks might be third team with the Pels trading down to get two first rounders.
Whoops... I just read it again. Emojis not gifs. I’m new to all this stuff what is an emoji vs a gif. My kids are teaching me! LOL! My favorite...
Because some of those that Sirron made are just classic. Dare I say legendary?
It’s similar to what Riley did when he gutted the Miami team to make room for LeBron and Bosh. They literally had Wade... and maybe one other...
My understanding is that if the Pels wanna deal the #4 they would need the Lakers help, meaning they’d need to bring a third team. I heard they...