I just hope we dont go out and trade for someone just to have a "star"
Theyre both young they can split the 48 in half equally and if upshaw shows something we can even have trade bait at the deadline by using one of...
Corey brewer and biyombo Its basically a "lost" season since no premier FA signed here so might as well let the rookies develop hope they play...
He plays defense and single handedly made the hornets bettee on the defensive end. I forgot where i saw it but their efficiency rating and ppg...
Bismack and tobias Vet pg Play the young guys they might surprise us Russ Kobe Tobias Randle Bismack Vet pg Clarkson Brown Nance Black/upshaw...
well ive been here on and off since about 7am and still nothing i wont get my hopes up in fact i wont be surprised if by the time i wake up...
maybe they get deandre
Im only on board with lopez if he comes in a package deal with aldridge Other than that i want biyombo
hes not coming sign bisMACK
that can probably be another factor, i think lillard came in and stole his thunder and rubbed him the wrong way so he decided to look elsewhere...
he already lives here the only way he comes here if we somehow did a 360 from our meeting yesterday and is floored by the new proposal but like...
i thought he didnt like lillard
Lmao prob brainwashed as well
So yea hes a knick since deandre supposedly is picking dallas or clips Go all in for bisMACK
Another great prediction :cool:
Hah were on the same page :rofl:
My belief is theyre keeping him hostage til the moratorium ends hoping nobody will notice They then proceed to file a missing persons report...
Buss's gonna buss Mitches gonna mitch :cool:
Lmao i juat caught that my bad hahahaa i meant knee deep in potential :party:
Is this unlikely scenario who takes over? Jeannie? Does that mean the end of mitch? If it's not a total change then its irrelevant for the team