I hope he realizes his potential in a laker uniform If he pans out alomg with russ & randle it will be very refreshing in what looks like its...
Lol yea me too i went to twitter and still nothing came back and still nothing
Is this true or are u hoping that happens? I still dont see aldridge coming here no matter what we do
Did lb crash for like 15 mins? :cry:
I think mitch and chris broussard are friends All their reports are the same It's a fluid situation. I've been told that it may happen but I...
I think koufus is unrestricted
Exactly they're delirious! But they also said they're not doing anything until they're informed theyre out So stupid ive had it im not even...
Because FO still thinks were landing aldridge
**oops my bad quoted the wrong post On twitter on your phone in the app you should be able to copy the link then paste it here voila
I rhink that next year when kobe is off the books is when we'll find out the real issue Kobe or the FO If all of a sudden we have a group of...
Well they got parsons and wes matthews they're the role players. Dirk is still serviceable and you add deandre to the mix and you got a playoff...
I cant believe FO hasnt done ANYTHING We have a hole at the 5 and theyre still delirious about aldridge. Smfh how slow can you be If a guy dont...
We should sign someone at this point screw waiting for lamarcus that is the stupidest thing theyve done
What if aldridge goes to the suns? :eek:
I thought they used it on pierce
Theyre still a good team dont get me wrong but they lose their best defensive presence and 10-12 rebounds a game
dj to mavs silver lining clippers get worse they also traded spencer hawes :p
I thought porzingis wasnt playing this year
Unfortunately theyre putting all their eggs in one basket They're delirious I thought they'd have a contingency plan but at this point theyre...
Thats the issue this fo has they dont look towards the mid tier free agents theyre strictly looking for the BIG FA star Its stupid because you...