If you buy shock jock opiniuons as genuine...:Shh: You think if ESPN was not protecting him people would not be salty? He acts like a child,...
Do not take it far. It leads to the dark side.
The President was just liked by the small number of press people who dictate the tone of public discourse. They were scum.
Maybe he can sense the stompers...
Can you not make the case that she got disaster capitalism backwards?
You know how desperate ESPN is for an another gay player? Ray should embrace it, sell jerseys.
It is Tuesday again. Let them attempt to bump uglies i say.
recently it has been treated like a King. Even if it is a success i see his personality damaging the authority of the presidency.
I like the joke president. I am tired of presidents having the authority to to walk around like Gods. I hope this is a very unsmooth transition...
I am sorry Kaep and Jemelle deserved it. Calling half the voting population white supremacistt and comparing all cops to pigs and gloryfiyng Fidel...
I guess KD just took the hell with Public Relations movement to an another level....
Melo to the bench...
Other jerks are just jerks, they do not do the passive agressive bs.
They got reps to talk trash to contenders... The Cavs are a mess of an organisation and team...
They should be talking trash to Boston right now if they would dare, not the Knicks. Or the Spurs or the Warriors... They are supposed to be a...
Cannot he just be a boring administrator?
What kind of sicko would like the NY media?
KD should have faked his own death. He has the money to pull it off, nobody will say bad word about him dead, nobody complains about the...
If i fake my own death it would be easier to evade bans, no one will look at a dead member's IP. Ultimate ban evasion. [IMG] [IMG]
Did the Kang diss Frankie Nicotine because he looks like Mario Chalmers or something...