Agriculture has little prestige nowadays. He is clearly punching down. He needs to find a woke insult.
I am a jaywalker, not a trickster.
I hate both teams to much to watch the game all the way trough. Gave up after one quarter despite the fact that it was a close game.
[IMG] The EU did it first.
It already did with Kotor and some comics. But Disney even decided the 200 mil ongoing EA games investment. Do not waste time killing of what...
if i have to bet i say someone in his entourage is the real leader. Probably Maverick Carter.
Their brand of fakeness counterbalancing other fake news might be useful somewhat oir it might not. i cannot tell.
I remember him saying he wants to be the man on Power 105. I was like, you were hyped as rookie, but it has ben years... I am glad he is killing it.
My understanding is it will take a year to sell for whatever regulatory reasons. And John Skipper resigned.
They do not own Fox News. They just bought the movie studio and the TV Entertainment division.
So the FOX aquisition helps or hurts ESPN?
No, he will, have to steal his own cars from now on. Time for him to grow up.
The office deserves to be taken down a couple pegs...
You mean the paper you get out of it might be forver. 16 year olds who lied about their age led mn into battle in WW2.
Danny Green, Jeremy Lin, Jonathon Simmons, Patrick Beverly... Watch those balls closely...
But what about Austin?
It is unleashed now. They will go to his house for clicks. Nothing can change that, just people getting tired of him.
Give it time, he will do something or say something...:KobewaitingTW:
Lavarr probably wants to be paid for his media silence...