Troy is coming of age like. I said what I hoped for that kid would blossom. And play less uptight he is just balling now big 3s big passes big...
Blazers / Jazz/ OKC about to start tanking we don't need to worry about those 3 teams the schedules they have coming benefit us they got some....
Prolly due to his ankle trying to safe him from himself
Utah is about to skid big time they lost to the spurs for God sake tank mode
No it's not a source it's something I saw posted
I don't know is it old? Just searched k Lamar concerts none in LA
[MEDIA] Umm what
I believe Doris Burke is the sac kings tv announcer so yes I put this together last time she jus bad mouths LA
Warriors up 23 6mins left 0-4 flipper nation since Westbrook signing
3 weeks basicly out for the remaining of the season
The high ankle sprains linger for months I've broken ankles and sprained mine so many times while playing makes your foot feel like it's wrapped...
You ever had a sprain ankle they are all different some take 1 to 2 weeks others 1 month or 6 weeks
You are correct I was going based off what announcers said
Portland starts a 11 game road trip tomorrow vs teams like Knicks C Bags x2 76ers it's there make or break. Road trip. Simons just sprained...
Odds are he'll be out Friday once that foot starts resting and gets cold s***s the worse
Your right Portland ain't in our division I must of thought back then :Laugh:
That's stupid to trade him in your own division