It has begun....... Clippers fans saying ty Lue gotta go :Laugh::Westbrook Come Here2:
He sat the whole 4th and ot tonight :Laugh: chirp chirp..... 0-2 Russ era
Kid has been balling since 2 yrs ago on the twolves and only getting better
Prime Russ game 17 pts 14 assts 7 turnovers 25% from 3 and couple late def rotations :LLLLLebronlaughing: clipper fans blaming ty Lue for adjustments
Zu and kawhi will catch a couple. Broken noses
Bron gets a pass tho
2 more he will miss free throws He will brush you off and go to ball control mode
Bones COUdlnt get along w j Murray n cried about playing time ..... :Laugh:... Gordon is ehh.... Mann is also ehh.. can't wait to see Russ wave...
Can't wait to get home the 24th from Italy this day ahead ish is bad laker games start at midnite out here :RW Barfbag: but a whole 10hrs ahead
We said the same about other players and we've seen what some gms have pulled out of their hats
[IMG] :ADGlance:
4.30 mark [MEDIA] Cowherd-Scout Told Me Lebron Has Lost Trust in AD, Dallas Trying To Get Anthony Davis Take it how ever you want
False ayton is gonna be whining about not getting touches and KD and booker who's team is it :LLLLLebronlaughing:
They'll prolly trade Jeff green
Yea with that attitude you gotta go you ain't AD OR LBJ levels to be dealing w headcases and me me attitude..... Also was Russ boy
Atleast we didn't trade for Tobias thank. God
Royce is not a pf he is a sf playing pf in the east did you not watch him on Utah years prior .....