I see what you did there... Punny
I thought you were joking. But really that is the update. Wtf. This is getting ridiculous
Its 6.02!
3 mins
We can always talk about mk or shoes again
Newbies.. lol
Die hard fans dont relax We stress pace and get frenetic Fan is short for fanatic:Javalebarfbag:
This doesnt sound good at all
That's how I took it lol If this is true. You think he would let the Lakers and clippers know already.
I always believe in cookies! It's my kryptonite
In Rambo we trust!
Not going to lie It hurts and will be upset for a couple of days But I still like the kid and am not mad Just hurts knowing he will never be a Laker
Spend exorbitant amounts on garbage
He had enough class to save Canada grief on Canada day. If he is going to Toronto does he have it in him to ruin our 4th?
Listening carefully he said. Hes 99pct hearing Not 99pct sure.. So he heres from 99pct of his sources.?
Agree if he doesnt come now He might as well be a raptor for life I like the kid a lot. But the Lakers come first
Was just about to say the same He sounds super confident Ugh
Ugh So nerve wracking! Please something concrete come out
I too am thinking 4th of Kawhi. Either late tonight so it's the 4th here in the East. Or early tomorrow