I've always felt that a part of Lebron's game is stat manipulation. I was actually impressed with him in the 15' finals because it was the only...
So did we overrate Cleveland or underrate Toronto?
Give me BB and DD!
If Lebron became a Laker, I'm probably done with the NBA until he retires.
Too bad Kobe never got his shot, it could have happened in 09.
This is almost "Bryon" level.
Exactly! Now I have to go look up boxscores from the 96 Bulls. Also, this team (and no 2016 team) has anything on the 01 Lakers.
Can OKC do this to the Cavs? If so I'm in.
Time for the annual injuries? Too bad, I do actually like Kyrie.
What in the world happened to Love?
Very impressed by DD!
I love how we can hate on Lebron here without the homer police raining on our parade lol.
I'm sure the LeCavs make a major run but for now, LET"S GO RAPTORS!!
As mostly a Kobe first fan, I didn't know if I would even care about the NBA after Kobe retired, but I'm really excited about the future of the...
I wonder if the Raps will have a pulse tonight?
I'll take that #2.
I'm thinking #2. No matter if we get #1 or lose it I'm waiting for the blowup at LG.
The Cavs somehow doing a 16-1 or 16-0 has been my nightmare scenario. Hopefully they pull a 89 Lakers and get swept by GS.
The only good news imo is that Lebron and co haven't been challenged these playoffs so they could slip up and allow the Raps to steal game 1.
I know Wade is old now but this was a very pedestrian game for him, for a game 7.