Come on Splash Bros. Please finish this game!
So many fouls, I'm done for the moment. I'll check back in 20 minutes to see if GS has come back.
They are getting Kyried again, maybe he can get the finals mvp instead of Lebron.
So much this. People will say that we are just insecure Kobe fans but I don't know, something about Lebron has just ALWAYS rubbed me the wrong...
LIke Weezy said, we are stuck in the Great LeNightmare, only Super Curry can save us.
I might have to do a self imposed year ban from the NBA. Maybe in 2017-2018 the Lakers will be good and Lebron will finally run out of gas.
I'm a bitter hater and I'm not giving Lebron anything yet lol.
Man, for a team that was 73-9, GS gets blown out a whole lot. #headscratcher
I'm mentally preparing myself for what now seems inevitable...yuck.
Ugly... I have no confidence in GS at the moment.
I'm really hoping they are just doing an impersonation of the 09 Lakers via the Houston series.
I sooooo hope this is what happens, I want no part of a game 7.
I believe GS is the kind of the team that can come back and dominate CLE in game 6, but I just don't know. I don't think neither Kyrie or Lebron...
Lebron actually cooled off in the 4th but Kyrie has been Kobesque.
Cleveland's two best players have been outstanding as for GS, one showed up and the other...
Kyrie is giving a preview of how things would have looked if Kobe/Lebron had teamed up.
So many missed opportunities, yikes.
Kyrie has been relentless, I could enjoy him if he wasn't playing with you know who.
APB out for Wardell Jr.
The Warriors desperately need to go a quick run and retake the lead. I don't think this Cavs team has it in them to make a comeback, however as...