I'll like that thought.
To me the only one whose overall resume can rival MJ is Kareem. They are my 1 and 2.
I still would have have disliked him, but Kobe and Lebron together, both in their primes would have been a sight to see.
JR is by far my fave out of all of your young guys. Can't wait til he is contributing for a ring, and I can just see him having a hand in a lot of...
Skip's the ultimate hater but I spot no lies in what he's saying lol.
I think she'll get it at either Wimbledon or the US Open, but it's so unlike her to keep losing in the Finals. I only think she has two years or...
So true, I even have to stay away from LG because there is a vocal contingent of Lebron supporters on there as well lol.
I feel hexed, EVERY single team/athlete I have rooted for the in the past year has flamed out spectacularly lol. Still waiting for Serena to get...
It's amazing how quickly a narrative can change with only a few shots. If Curry made a big three and Kyrie missed, EVERYTHING CHANGES, Lebron has...
People already had Lebron Kobe years ago with ESPN ranking him #3 all time with only 2 rings, so this doesn't change much honestly. No one will...
Being able to commiserate here with my fellow Lehaters has helped tremendously. I'm totally avoiding the news for the next week(s) and will watch...
Kyrie's gonna get that Kobe 00-02 treatment.
Hopefully this a humbling experience for Steph and GS and they come back next year hungrier. I do think they got a little arrogant sort of like...
Put Lebron with a killer like Kyrie who can hit the big shots when things get tight and he's gonna get rings. I have always liked Kyrie and he's...
This is pretty much the only sports website I'll be visiting for the near future. #safehavenforholdouts
If I were an actual GS fan I would be gutted, they had SOOOOOOOOO many chances to make a move in the 4th and utterly failed.
NBA Ban Activated.
First team to actually hit a shot wins.
No one can get a shot to fall.