Congrats, but Curry losing against "Him" turned me off so much I haven't even watched a warriors game since (sans the Laker beat down).
I got 44/54 :MitchReally:
There is cool quiz at the end of this article....
I don't know the names of 90% of the dudes in that team pic lol.
You can tell Kyrie molds himself after Kobe. The only player I like on that team.
I had to unfollow my uncle on facebook because he lives in Cleveland and is still posting about their you know what. (I can't even write it)
*Kobe Voice* We're talking about Jason Kidd Russell Westbrook. Lol
Was looking up Bynum and realized he is just 28. I wonder how things would have panned out if he never got injured and became the true BEAST he...
A sobering read, go back to the first few pages of this thread and see our expectations then compare the reality of who he actually is as a player.
Ouch, never had a broken or fractured anything so I can't imagine the pain. Get well soon Larry!
If people thought the division among Laker fans would die when Kobe retired they were sorely mistaken. Dlo truly is the new Kobe in that regard...
I still get a laugh out of the "C-Bags" filter lol.
I guess the world aint ready for a Kobe Jr lol.
I think the fact that ESPN is giving him the "Kobe" treatment is making me like him even more. I hope he keeps getting the hate and keeps making...
Cheers to the Big Fundamental! I always rooted against him (except against Le3Rings) but I never disliked him at all, I DESPISED Spurs fans though.
Please let this dude be a Laker lifer.
I was VERY optimistic about our team every year going back to the disaster of 12-13 and every year I was disappointed so I'm keeping my...
Really excited for the game tonight. The future begins now! Also I REALLY like Jesse, he just seems like a fun guy to be around.
I couldn't allow someone to treat my child like that, Nick should have thrown Gil out. Hopefully Nick and Gil can both mature someday.
Can we get Marcus Banks too? Old CL and LG heads will get this lol.