abeer3, the voice of reason... monty is the better long-term hire, whereas lue would merely be a puppet of the lebron regime...
when are we hiring rick fox?
maybe one last tampering fine, for old times' sake... magic really chickened out big time... clearly couldnt handle the heat -- he can go back to...
oh i absolutely agree. especially given the context of our organization over the past 5 years, im numb to the concept of draft picks turning...
great, thanks! just nice to see some data every now and then...
eddie jones... could be an instant classic!
This is true. I also remember seeing a post here one of the past few summers tracking draft picks and the correlation between being an all-star, a...
yea, i forget too sometimes... shannon brown literally had to harness his hops as he could easily crash into the backboard. so much athleticism,...
Sums up the situation very well. Mistakes have been made across the board, and this summer represents the opportunity to create an inflection...
tank complete... https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2828506-former-lakers-wizards-pf-kwame-brown-arrested-on-drug-possession-charges
bruin fam
i read the title... good read...
yea, washington briefly considered moving him early on and then decided not to pursue/entertain any deals entailing his departure. wish we could...
Funny, my wife and i just relocated to atlanta, and i had to reiterate several times that i did not want tickets to the game on feb 12... then i...
That just about sums it up... didn't even know there was a game today... the only thing that could have made things worse is if we actually held...
oh yea, you have to check out mentally... just like our FO...
spot on... there is certainly a lot of tension within the organization and community at the moment, but all we can do is sit back and enjoy...
yea, it's as if they had tunnel vision on all-stars and lost sight of everything else. we've had opportunities to build a competitive roster (not...
sick and tired of being sick and tired...
Beating the rockets then losing to the pelicans pretty much sums up the season; i hate myself for even coming back here, but i can't quit you...