AFAIK, this is correct!
Apologies for my confusing ramblings. I was not referring to the deal that just happened with the Beverley acquisition. More about what is to...
Seems to me like the media is just trying to generate clicks. My read is that if LAL is involved in the Mitchell trade, it'll be in an ancillary...
This isn’t sourced information - but I do worry about Pelinka being “on the clock” for his job and making sub optimal decisions out of...
Pelinka pushing pretty hard to make something happen here, including trying to get a 3rd team involved with Indiana to avoid giving up the 2 FRPs....
FWIW, I'm hearing this is a precursor to an Indiana deal. It's still not done yet but Pelinka is pushing aggressively and trying to do everything...
As I mentioned a while back, the arena transition will be a net positive for fans, even if the name is a bit too flashy for some fan's tastes....
Folks, I'm still gathering information here, but so far it looks like pressure from the league office was too strong, and lowball offers from...
Folks, don’t get thrown off by the media. The two picks news is old and LAL has been reluctantly willing to do so for a while. Reporters are just...
Latest reports seem to confirm the rumblings I heard earlier. The problem is that in light of the news, proposed packages are dropping off in...
So far the Nets game plan seems to be working. Trade talks for Durant are picking up and the league hasn't come back with anything yet. By Kleiman...
Based on Tsai’s latest statement - looks like we were right! Both of them are manufacturing this drama to give Durant an out. If we can see...
I want to caveat this by saying I don't have strong connections to the situation: but I believe that this meeting, like what we had anticipated,...
Thank you @Barnstable, @TIME and the Lakersball community for the support! I completely understand the frustration that my insights can be vague,...
Yes, and many apologies for the delay. One takeaway from the meeting is that a few threads on the Kryie front are back in motion, which means...
Great points! It ultimately came down to a pretty egregious tampering job on our part and the historic fines/penalties that would’ve followed,...
I think too much focus is put on 1) the deal being bad for the Hornets and 2) the CBA/superteam (e.g. Dan Gilbert's letter). First isn't true, and...
I have a little more insight here as I was more or less directly involved (for unique reasons that I'll explain below, plus I wasn't semi-retired...
There’s a lot of context here. Tsai is a relatively new majority owner, so everyone is concerned about him screwing this up and setting a bad...
I may be late to the party here (since it's a bit outside the scope of LAL-Irving I'm not as tied in), but apparently, there are headwinds from...