George McCloud curse in 3, 2, 1.....
Gross that color that uniform...
Well fortunately he's no longer our problem. Flop City with the vulture mascot suits him perfectly.
Just not having Brick and Ezell makes the opening of the season so much better.
OK, I expect Ludabrow to put up 34 while playing DPOY level defense. If not he's failure. Dammit go be a 6'11" Michael Jordan in 1987. Go be...
Kelly Oubre Jerrr? AI is getting better at narrating but that threw me off. It almost had me convinced a real person was reading that for a second.
What a weird story. This dude just whipped out his junk in front of a female psychologist? WTF Seriously WTF Just weird.
That was the game where Ludabrow hurt his achilles and we lost. That injury affected his play for a year and a half or so. Lebron was otherwordly...
Call it "breaking the Gilbert Arenas curse". It worked for JAVALE MCGEE. It clearly didn't work with Brick.
Agreed with this, the only comparison to Odom is that they're both lefties and can both board. Other than that, they're completely different....
Ballmer is building Flop City 4real.
I've been looking for this since forever. This is from around 2007 or so, when Ron was with Sacramento I believe. This was before Houston and...
No Rodman on that list
Superstars are generally bad at trades and coaching hires. That's why you need a strong empowered front office to keep the megalomania in check....
New millenium Oscar Schmidt?
What when did mr. "I'm better at life than you" team of with Skeeup?
Woah Ludabrow got swol
Somewhere Joakim Noah is sitting somewhere satisfied with himself thinking "I taught her that".
That article is fantastic. So well said, succinct and to the point.