Now that’s the trade I’d make all day for Schroder.
Still might be an awkward fit. Murray doesn’t work very well off ball (see him and Trae), so he’d need to be the playmaker, but DLO is a better...
I’m fine if we stand pat on that Murray trade. Not even sure he would be an upgrade over DLO in the context of this team. We need a point of...
Ha I forgot we already have a Twitter too:
Lakersball has a facebook page but I don’t post anything on it really. But it’s good as a meeting spot incase of emergencies or so I can give...
No problem. We rolled the dice and lost eventually.
We got 2000 members now so we hit the big time :Noddingyes:
I always post explanations in the welcome to thread when LB goes down. Long story short, the NBA filed a copyright infringement...
No not a bandwidth problem. The NBA took us down for having the online streaming sites thread, so I had to delete that whole thread to bring LB...
Sorry for the scare guys. The NBA does not play about copyright infringement lol. But I don’t think there’s any lasting damage from the...
On a much happier note, we just hit 2,000 members!!! :IrelandPump:
--------------------------- NOTICE OF LAKERSBALL COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT --------------------------------------- LB was down yesterday because the...
Thanks JSM. LB uses an addon to post Twitter content and I can probably go in to the code and change all instances of requiring the link to say...
@KareemtheGreat33 can you try that?
@karacha i see that you imbedded “Tweets” from X. is there a new trick or do you have any problem doing it?
I don’t know how to do it myself since they changed to X. I’ll see if I can play with the imbed code, but if JSM can do it anyone here can. I’m...
Murry or Levine doesn’t matter much to me. I’ll take whichever doesn’t require losing Reaves. That said I wouldn’t be at all surprised if we...
Great point. Reaves got the Horry gene in HIM
GOAT LB comment :LLLLLebronlaughing::Laugh::LLLLLebronlaughing::Laugh::Noddingyes: Yeah I don’t see how anyone wouldn’t like Jokic aside from...
I like that we’re in here having arguments about if we should even acknowledge accomplishments other teams would be talking about for years....