I checked the boxscore and saw our Lebrons did not play. If only 1 of them played we wouldn't have lost this much.
This is a big baller shot, no doubt. But I think he wouldn't take that shot without the Rondo blessing. It was a dumb shot at that point in the...
USA Today ranks AD at 57th in their 75 GOAT list. Being only at 28, I think this is great. However, if AD really had that dog in him, he should...
I know 0, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7 were theirs from previous years. Rondo should be 9 but idk why he chose 4 this time. From there, they probably...
[IMG] Saw this on reddit. Interesting. Also HBK is 15 Dwight was asked why would he not wear #14 and told reporters he doesn't want to talk...
It’s available now. I laughed so hard on this one: Start of the 2004-2005 season, Artest is on self-destructing mode. Jermaine is fed up with...
that was a perfect pass by rondo. Should be catch and shoot instead kawhi pump faked. I remeber the lakers had a same play with nash and kobe....
Lol at KCP having the highest +/- with ZER0 4 1 1. I didn’t watch the game, how impactful was KCP in tonight’s result?
Clippers tanked their way to 4th place to avoid the Lakers in the 1st round. It’s not guaranteed yet but their loss today is telling. They’re...
Edit: YouTube removed the embedded video. It was a clip of Caruso defending Boogie 1-on-1 and forced the turnover. What a guy!
With all the Lakers’ guards opting out, Green being traded, and minimal noise about the depth on C/F, maybe the mgmt already had an agreement. im...
This is very true. The Heat over estimated their toughness against the Lakers’ lowkey physicality. They tried to play the Lakers game - have...
What is lost in this disaster of a game for miami is the first quarter adjustment by Vogel. He sat down Lebron and the rally started. I dont...
oh thats not what i meant by the Delonte news.d I also admire Cuban for doing whats hes done to West. its the timing of the news im curious about.
I just read a funny article from yahoo that says the Heat will win the championship due to them having a chemistry. The writer relates the finals...
Probably still out there doing interviews
@CaCHooKa Man is taking a break from doing highlights. I hope everything’s alright, man. I appreciate you a lot.