As I've probably said somewhere else, for many sports fans (basketball fans in particular), there's a time in our lives where we enjoy our...
I can't (sadly) put Kareem as the GOAT because I think Wilt was the better player than Kareem and Russell. They just happened to be better...
I hope Rondo is already doing video on the Hall of Fame ceremony. He has a speech coming up in the next couple years... ;)
Rob seems like a really great person in interviews. I can see why players would have loved him as a manager and friend. Likewise, I can see how...
Okay I am starting to come around on Bradley. It sounds like he still felt part of the team, and the team still had love for him back, and...
But the Lakers avoided a team everybody now says should be broken up........
I love that Carushow shirt!!! :)
Shaq to run an offence like Jokic does today ;)
The issue with the GOAT debate is that titles are used as the measure/goal posts. But when Bill Russell has more titles than Jordan, he is...
“Don’t talk to us”
Now why did I think you were going to say this: [MEDIA]
I just had a thought that Rondo is probably already doing video on game 6 lol
LeBron could play as long as he likes, so long as he doesn't mind one day not being a top 5, and then top 10, player in the league.
Giannis and Luka? Can they co-exist?
For years, Jordan fanboys have found weaknesses in Kobe and then Bron's games by playing dirty and pointing out all their negatives. What I am...
Can we sign Rondo for the Playoffs only? lol
If they don't want to count the titles in Minny, fine... we just win 5 more titles :P
Rob? Don't you mean Rich Paul ;)
Let's not forget how people say: 'Jordan never stopped winning once he started winning'. People have a short memory of him losing to Orlando, and...