Perkins?? As in Sam I hope...
I don’t think the guy knows how excited LA is to have him.... take away minutes from KCP. Welcome Quinn Cook! Great signing.
Very nice. Im pretty happy with the signings outside of KCP. Add Morris or Cousins and I think got a few good rotation players.
Yup. Here come he narrative police, aka journalists glorifying the GMs. PG and Kawhi said, “yea we’ll do that”, then hundreds of people got to...
Pacific Division basketball is going to be lit. California is the new battleground of the NBA, Texas is out.
The NBA/basketball is starting to resemble European football more and more each year...
I too like Bradley, but I doubt Rondo will be happy having Bradley start in front of him. Kick rocks, I know. But that’s probably the truth.
I think the playoff crunch time 5 is odds-on to be -point guard- Green LBJ Kuzma Davis And McGee depending on matchups. And honestly, it would...
Right on queue. :Sunglassguy: [IMG]
Come on yall... Anthony Davis is better than Giannis. And we just put him next to LeBron. We were going for all-time status, 73-9 status, but now...
Glad he’s back. Our front court is locked, cheap guards are all thats left.
Your first assignment: [IMG]
I’m laughing, honestly. Dumbfounded. Not a grain of salt in me, I can’t wait for the season. Let’s do this :Laugh::LLLLLebronlaughing:
:Laugh: This is perfect. Tyson punches out Ed Helms after this, right? We’ll find out if Rob or Masai is gonna get the swift right hook
@Weezy I don’t make the rules around here, but doom always seems “on-topic” to me :Noddingyes:
We tolerated posts about airplane speed relative to cargo weight in this thread so I think it’s ok if we briefly talk about good ol’ Amin...
Former Suns employee Amin "I think I'm way smarter than I actually am" Elhassan
Chill man, your anxiety is through the roof. :Laugh: Got any more tweets?
Hit up Shoe City and get a pair of Air Monarchs to relax your feet too!