Focus on filling the huge gap at center, then we can start filling out the backup roles. Conley is a talented guard, but he doesn't address a...
LeBron came into the league with similar weaknesses to his game as compared to Simmons, so he definitely can grow mentally and work on his jumper...
I was really disappointed that the show once again played the saved at the last second card, and made it obvious it was going to happened. It...
The biggest problem at this point with Nick Young is that no other team wants him, making him difficult to trade on his own. He's probably only...
Someone has to say it so I'll be that someone: we didn't land Pau in the summer/offseason... :SadPau2: The rest of your post is fine, carry on :p
Great news! The NBA should come out tomorrow night and just announce the first two picks right away so we can officially welcome Ingram. Now all...
Agreed. The Lakers need to learn from their mistakes last year and not put all of their eggs into the superstar or bust basket. Durant is likely...
I was also warming up to the idea, but that means Luke can hire someone who isn't an "idiot" :Shaqwink:
Enjoying the summer off (perks of teaching at a college) is what I'm up to. I agree Jefferson could be a really valuable assistant, he's just...
The thought of watching that team makes me feel like this: :sick: ...but the thought of a ring makes me feel like this: :rofl: So many mixed...
The only good thing that may come out of this election is a realization of just how bad the two major parties have become in all facets,...
I just finished the Talos Principle a couple of weeks ago. I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys puzzles and a fascinating story line (plus...
I'm not sure how I feel about this given Jefferson is a complete unknown as a coach. I would rather have a defensive minded coach to complement...
I agree that Okafor was underwhelming as the season went on. In fact, I do feel Russell could turn out to be the right choice now that Walton has...
Are LeBron and Durant even close? I know LeBron has been quoted as wanting to play with his buddies to end his career, but as far as I remember...
It's the right choice for the 76ers. Simmons could be an incredible player and after all of the hype he received there's just no way Philadelphia...
Most likely if LeBron comes to LA it will be to the Clippers. I just don't see LeBron joining an organization rich in history like the Lakers...