If that's the case, I have to believe they are trying extremely hard behind the scenes to trade Deng. Stretching versus trading Deng for an...
JC has limited appeal to most teams, with maybe an exception for Phoenix since they need a replacement for Knight. They have basically enough cap...
The Lakers should pursue a trade with the Suns if they fail to land Kyrie, which is definitely a possibility. Here's what I propose: Lakers IN:...
I doubt LeBron will waive his no-trade clause. He doesn't want Dan Gilbert to have any say in where he goes, and he knows no team is beating the...
I had completely forgotten about that guy... and now I wish I hadn't remembered him. Thanks Weezy. :Kobepuking:
I am surprised and thrilled that we managed to get KCP! This is a very good sign to see KCP turn down a longer deal from other teams and take...
Brooklyn has to wait until Porter is officially signed before they get their cap space back. It doesn't happen the instant the other team matches...
If KCP was willing to accept a one year deal then he would have signed already with the Lakers. I suspect he is holding out for the Nets to regain...
I wish I was there to see that in person, poor Rob :Laugh:
It was great meeting TIME and John in person, even better than watching the rookies play their first game together. John has a sharp eye and he...
They should do what I did to get a Switch. I used an inventory tracker to watch local stores until I noticed a Walmart had just received one...
You just described everyone in this forum after PG signs with the Lakers next summer... ...because we will all be jumping for joy :Brows:
That reminds me of Ainge when he thinks about trading a draft pick.
Only if they attach one of Boston's endless first round picks :Fishwink:
At this point I hope Magic and Rob seriously consider taking a salary dump with an attached asset such as a draft pick. That asset would be useful...
It's hard to admit, but right now the Lakers are looking like the second worst team in the West next season. While losing out on Hill isn't huge...
Currently playing Breath of the Wild on the Switch. The DLC just came out, and the new harder Master Mode is brutal but oddly enjoyable. The...
The media has already started to spread their narrative that PG should stay in OKC to remain part of a dynamic duo. Not surprising considering the...
I definitely agree. I would add that fans of other teams would say how the Lakers offer was inferior to whatever Indy accepts if they do trade PG...