I understand that the Lakers like AR but I don’t understand their reluctance to trading him.He is a good player but he obviously isn’t a game...
I actually wouldn’t trade DLO to get Rozier I would start with Rui.Dlo is more valuable than Rui for this team because he can be a dynamic scorer...
I believe Abeer3 mentioned a Rozier/Richards trade from the hornets.I think something like that is more likely than Murray at this point
If they traded for Rozier then I would keep DLO.A rotation of Russell,Rozier and Reaves would bring a scoring punch to complement AD and Lebron.Of...
The Nuggets were also the 3rd best team in defensive rating during last season’s playoffs.They completely shut down DLO on offense which allowed...
I believe one has a direct affect on the other.In theory the better you play defense should lead to easier baskets on offense
Orlando Shaq,Robinson,Hakeem and Malone all had quicker feet than Embiid.As long as the big men I mentioned kick it out to their 3 point shooters...
[QUOTE="JSM, post: 515145, Rather have Cappela.Fix two problems
Shaq,Robinson,Malone and Ewing would dominate the paint so much in this era that your 3 point shooter’s would literally be standing by themselves...
IMO he would be doing better offensively if he wasn’t forced to play exclusively at PG.The league has studied him and found the weaknesses in his...
This is one of the reasons I didn’t think he should be back over the summer.Im sure they tried to move him but obviously no takers and with the...
You’ve been very consistent.Unlikely scenarios play out all the time in the NBA. I have no idea why Memphis would keep or trade Smart and as far...
You said something similar over the summer when I said the Lakers should be going after Murray.You questioned why would they trade him after...
16-33 in his last 3 games but your point is valid.His defense will make up for his offense
Throw in a 2nd
Russell for Smart straight up
Since Memphis is in the tank how about Marcus Smart to LA.Veteran defensive minded PG
It’s seems a little clunky but if Wood is played exclusively at the 5 then maybe
I’m more concerned about him getting abused on the defensive end than any shooting slump
This is his main problem.He gets stuck in his white swan mode.If his motor were better all teams would be after him