I have to reign in my high rolling nature and just say no to IT. We need to develop players that can stay on the court at both ends. i can't...
Any picks that are taken from a team should go to Mitch and the Charlotte Hornets. We know Mitch never tampers so he is like the neutral...
He needs the man below Luol Deng to represent and mentor him at all times. I did a little research on Deng and while I stay hate his impact on the...
I had big hopes for Schroder last season. I had watched quite a few games with the Thunder and Dennis was performing and capable of excitement...
I think having an older roster with vets is a necessary evil for the minimum contracts we had left. We have three all stars (with that being faint...
M Night Shyamalan plot twist. It could be a former Laker who is known to work within the Laker's organization. What if Mr Rambis was Kurt Rambis? lol.
We got rid of a Pope but have a Nunn and a Monk. Have to keep that manna from Heaven coming somewhere!
Here you go LT. This reference is for @Cookie . This hurts more than Kuz. I really enjoyed what Caruso brought, and he made plays that normally...
Space Jam 2 is out soon. I wonder what Bugs Bunny on HGH is like - oops did I give away the ending? Lebron takes the toons to Miami for a week to...
For me a killer sixth man is more important than a third star. While not your third most important starter, they are able to lead the scoring when...
Pippen is sippin' too much of his own sour (and probably salty) Bourbon. So Phil was a racist and should have let Pippen take the last shot, but...
People (not just here) like to hate him, but wherever he goes he competes, contributes, is tough and has a range of valuable skills we could use....
The 14 Major Olympian Gods. Time for a little DEICIDE, so we'll let you DECIDE as we make our way to number none and our next championship. After...
You better believe Westbrook 1v1 would put a triple double beating on the a** of anybody dumb enough and low enough to treat him like a movie...
We aim to get there, kicking and screaming till the end. A bit of music history for y'all, and why we had stickers on record albums. [IMG]
I believe Steph Curry's shooting is curse proof though. Even if Balmer is playing with a model Staples Center full of voodoo dolls (let's face it...
Hopefully with Ben McLemore we picked up a bargain on the buyout market. [MEDIA] [MEDIA]
Call me an optimist, but I feel Mclemore will not shoot Mcleless from 3 with the Lakers. I have convinced myself he can contribute positively on...
I would say the quickness is the jumped out for me LT. I like his handles which show of his co-ordination and speed. Combined with the size and...