I don't deep dive into all the Laker releases and press conferences, but isn't it refreshing to not hear about Kurt and LInda Rambis so much?...
Do we vote for Rob or Nico as our exec of the year?
Lakers vs the Nuggets of Doom Part II Russ wtf is that pass (russers gonna russ troll) THREE FOULS IN 30 SECONDS (at this rate he will do a...
Lakers vs the Doomver Nugget in which Colorado gets a six pack and a biscuit. somebody had a fat man meme of Luka chubby happy and walking...
The Lakers vs the Portland Jail breakers - total Doomination I went to Kobe's last game in the Rose Garden and it was legit like an away game. I...
Predictions for the season after Dallas' extinction level event of trading Luka to the Purple and Gold.
Luka, Lakers and all that Jazz in today's edition of DOOM. Luka gonna scorch earth, and with Dirk in the building. Mavs owners are stupid as...
Lakers vs the Indiana pacemakers who today are Doomed if they do and DOOMED if they don't. Damn their entire starting lineup is out. Lakers by 20...
Golden State Doom part 2, the search for Relavency Moody has been such a bright spot. (like a laser beam to the cornea curry has lost it) Dubs...
Golden State is a Doomed State of Mind, as The Showtime Mamba guest cameos as Cookie is in absentia A thread on the board was 'Trade thread who...
I am HYPED!!! You get a chance to get Luka - you don't turn it down. While I have watched all our games, and the New York win was sweet, I...
That no look walk away after he pushed DLO was some cold blooded passive aggression.
Lakers vs Kings - things are about to get Kingky mike playing a 7.5 man rotation this early in the season is absolute madness (sounds like a GOT...
Lakers vs the Suns. Where we give the Phoenix SONS a paternity lesson. Nurkic makes me want to throw stuff at the television (Doom yes Doom)...
Doom from the Heart of Minnesota to your Fawn Brown De Soto.... Don't Suck Wolves! (game set and swallow) we could blow the lakers out like the...
Yes, it is very good. I had to track down the DVD about seven years ago. Most of the quotable stuff is almost 'unquotable' these days if you don't...
The Great White Hype was a fun Wayans movie. I like how Wayans would psyche himself up for fights by watching Dolemite Love scenes.
I don't like Logan Paul. I don't want him around Laker merchandise.
I was very excited to hear about the Lakers acquiring hall of famer Koko B. Ware. His aerial skills could have been a threat at the hoop and his...
RIP Darius Morris, I respect the difficulty of your efforts to make it in the NBA on a team with KOBE BRYANT in our wilderness years. I remember a...