On the same day the Niners and Seahawks lose. Great day. And yes, Stafford is real--such a difference between him and Goff. Next week, another...
He’s good, but no. No he hasn’t.
Mind bottling, lol. The whole flat earth argument stems around (wait for it) a world-wide conspiracy. No one falls off the edge because our...
I get that he’d really benefit by practicing with, and learning from our squad this season, but why not get him real playing time in the D league?...
Some of us are stronger :Deathstare: Hang on, I’ll be right back :RW Barfbag: OK, so where was I? Oh yeah. Some of us are stronger?...
Looks like Kyrie is in the same boat as Wiggins: won't be allowed to play in home games if he's unvaxed....
I agree it’s on the Lakers. Nike has the capability to produce any color, including Laker gold, and I highly doubt they dictated to the Lakers...
Good you brought that up, LT. He was open about Kidd’s baggage. Hell, if we were all being suspicious of Kidd knifing Frank in the back, you...
Jesus H, the Redturds are on fire. 13 straight. I hope they get that s*** out of their system by next weekend.
Still not looking. [MEDIA]
Lol, setting s*** straight with the young fellas
Damn. Showed this to my wife and first thing she saw was the yellow in the white piping, and if you adjust the piping to pure white, the jersey...
More Ennis buzz [MEDIA]
Or he just wants to accommodate each fan with his or her own personal toilet to throw up in during playoff choke season. :Kobepuking:
[MEDIA] This would be cool as f***.
Not gonna look. Not gonna look. :RW Barfbag:
Nope. I'm stronger that Cookie pressure. I know I am. I know I am.
[MEDIA] Not sure about the term 'a deal.' Is that the training camp deal, or a new actual season-long contract? Hope it's the latter.