If i was kerr i would make speights watch his dunk atempt on replay until he goes blind... I know he has solid jumper but that was epic fail...he...
Horrible shooting game by curry,i dont expect him to plqy that way again so i stil give them advantage over cle...but this game was set point and...
Atl showed that their biggest streanght in season is also their biggest weaknes in the play offs,team game...they dont have top dog,go to...
curry...wauuuu...so clutch,he does it so often that i expect him to do that every time...
gs is sudenly playing like clips...they cant stop ish,everyone on hou has hot hand....
yesssss #2...i am so excited...
like i said...top 3...but i am geting greedy...i want #1 now...
come on...i am ready for the top 3 pick...:party:
It reminds me of starbury vs san antonio...
Tripleee ratatata... je
great searies...gotta give props to lac... F U basketbal reasons,still cant get over it...!!!
sooo clutch from cp3...
Wow!!! Blake showed school example...how to choke...who cares if he scored 30p when he missed in clutch times 2 the biggest ft of his career... Dj...
Lets be clear i had huge amount of respect to rondo...now just lil bit less... He is warrior to the core (remember that elbow vs miami) and dude...
Haha...2 games,if they could they wouldnt even suspend him... Almost every suspension i rember in last 5-10 years with similar punishment was...
Perfect scenario...love is done for the season and jr get suspended for atleast couple games,and i was generues...couse it was on purpose and i...
Cp3 was amazing...but props to rivers and speacily to crawford for some key baskets in the 4th quarter... And i wish comentators stoped using term...
Croatian sensation...
He was,not sure if he didnt got fired there to... Me and my friend were talking about him few weeks ago...how he got fired in croatia last...