Congrats to the warriors...they deserved it from the begging of the season...
Lebron showed nothing in the second half...
Dont know did someone notice him...but tahat plastic surgery guy next to the bench is just horrible...
Splash brothers...
Iggy for biiigggg 3...
Ezeli...wauuuuu...dunk of the finals...
Iggy is hesiteting on every attempt... Just catch it and shoot it...
Curry is in mamba mode now...
Who knows how will pan it out...but i think this was risk lac had to take... It is obviously they needed to improve if they plan to compete for...
Iggy has plqying on another level...but his ft shooting was horrible and with out the excuse...i think he lost his potentionaly finals mvp aword...
I am in the same boat plus i am at my job at school since 8am...i look like zombie but i feel good.
Cle losing and porkins shooting air ball 1 feet from the basket...priceless
Its time for curry to show up...
Pathetic effort...
Gs has missed 3-4 layups tonighte
Even less hairline...
Bogut for mvp I wonder will lebron be praised tomorow for being toughest player in the history...
One of thing that cost them games is making cheap fouls after cle players missed their happend at least 10 times that in 3 games,thqt...
Pathetic...i cant believe that curry is geting outplayed by deladova...thats like kobe geting outplayed by mckie or kittles...thats not mvp...