thanx realdeal for the respond but i bought them before i saw your replay... i bought them over some ticketsaxs... Section 108, Row 16, Seat 21 i...
Hi I am planing to come to LA before new year,and i want to go see game against Phi or Okc Where is best place to buy the tickets. Thank You
Nooo...i will agree that he is great and very underrated player...but to be top 10 that means that you are franchise player,and no way he could...
I hate how he is flying under the radar... So far he is playing on elite level...he is getting better every year...and he is draging that very bad...
non related...but i want some hou and lac doom...their doom would make this season much better... lac just lost at home to tor after trailing 30p...
second half was just so dreadfull he couldnt even make ft...i dont mind him missing shots i am just angry at his selection...they are mostly...
ron making that 3 and steal for the lay up...are highlights of the season... i dont want to get caried away...but he should be playing 10min per...
Drummond with another sick stat line, 25p and 29r... He is quickly developing in better de andre version...
kobe shot many wild shots out of rhytam...he should take look on dirk tonighte,he waited for game to come to him and he just sinked...
could someone find some doom on houston and harden would give me some reliefe on kobe shooting % on other side very good game by...
byron rotations and very bad and his playing players out of the position is frustrating... i am dead serious...why dont you play sacre,is he that...
A davis 2 3pm,boogie 4 3pm made. They added the range,it looks that lots of bigs are developing their 3pt shot, and we can include ibaka and bosh...
Its not that kobe shot much it is that he literaly doesnt pass at all,he catches it,dribbles it 10 times and shoots. Teammates are out of...
I can do it if you put it in the same time,3pm...
I can find few reasons for cuting upshaw but i cant find to many talent wise reasons to keep sacre over him So far all i can say that Sacre is...
Havent watched the game,how serious is kobe leg injury...?
Great show,pacing is great,it never gets boring not even for minute. I will just say,jose padila and wagner moura= tropa de elite,one of best...
I was big fan of the league,but i stop after 5seasons,the last thing i remember is Mark from Cuba but i might start watch it again. My definetly...
Haha...great video but chad and his sources got me cracking....
The best video in the history of the internet... [MEDIA]