Ft as usual but we got burned at rebounding and second chance points,which were usualy 3p. And refs,they made mistakes on both the ends but love...
Bad shooting night,you know if he misses his first two shots that he feels unconformtable,but i did like his agression and confidence at the...
Ha,i wonder what will Pop say now,he was very angry and loud when pachulia made the same thing,while bruce bowen made the career of those...
Nice game,9 as but i had feeling he could get much more,his teamates were missing open shots.
He is the worst player by far on the roster,wasted spot,he makes me miss Caruso.
Just look at tyson before lebron dunks the ball...
He looks like ours most clutch player,another game that he decided.
Rondo was ok,i think zo should get at least some time in the 4th,he is the future not rondo,we should develope him and not kill his confindense,it...
Ingram was agressive but still under control,he made couple of big shots in the row. I hope he continues making making 3s it would open him more...
I dont understand why he benched lonzo he plqyed good D its not like rondo played bettee.
Even without last two minutes i am more then thrilled by him. He sets great screens and his post defence is something thatbwe were missing. Town...
[MEDIA] Helo these are short movies that my friend and i am doing,i aint acting in this one,it is first Croatian superhero serial,please if you...
I want repeat usual stuff but we should have signed someone at the end of bench that can shoot FT at 85-90%,noone to pass in clutch to ice the...
Good start with 2 power dunks.
I would b down for 1+1 contract...you are all talking about the ring and gs...when we should be looking at developing our players and geting to...
What a loser, i am realy disappointed in him...i was hopšing to get him couse he is worst of all agents that were been connecting with us...no...
Merry Christmas to everyone...
even when we lose i am enjoying lakers play. all the games are close, and we returned many times before which was unthinkeble a year before,most...
tonighte memphis starting 5 has to be one of the worst ever, i literaly doesnt know single player, i think even euro teams would trash them.