Just to picture you how cocky and how much he believes in himself... He said if he were in colleague he would be clear #1 pick...
If they give dragic offer over 10mil i might quit on lakers and start watching smush parker playing in mongolian league... Dragic is very good...
I saw today scout reporter,that said that he is only player in this draft that could win allstar dunk and 3s competition...which is true and just...
Me too...but that might have something with the coach... He would be far ago retired if he had to play 1-2 years for mda or brown...
I am allways for picking best player avaible... Of the track...what does portland has with cp3...if i remember right,atlanta made mistake of the...
I can tell you hezonja is one of the kind talent that you dont see very often. He has great combination of skills and athletic abilities. Plus he...
Noise complaining in nba...hahaha...imagine if they were playing in europe, like in greece or turkey... [MEDIA]
kyrie is just to good...he looks like the go to guy more than lebron...but it is time to take nap and watch the real game...sa-lac... the sad...
The nighmare is finaly over...i admit i only watched about 5-6 games since all star,i just couldnt bare to watch games and root for lakers to...
wtf...is torn achilles becoming regular thing now... few years ago i didnt even knew that injury even exists...
Same thoughts same plans...
i just rewatched it...you are right...it was basicly nate vs jr and jeffries vs melo...but after 10 sec it was such a big mess you couldnt see,...
i remember that fight it was against NY and he took cheap shot on shortest player aka nate robinson...than he runned scared from enraged nate......
Easily the best game of the season, i am sad to admit it but i fell asleep in the second half...but everything i saw i liked...no forcing and the...
I have to be in minority here...i always liked and respected big ticket...i know he was green bastard... but i remember growing up and watching...
Cle lost to phi...when you lose to team as phi you know you are pretender. Tony wroten redeemed himself for missed ft, while delladova missed both...
Haha at josh smith, i think det is 4-0 since he left,while hou is strugling... I liked him before,he was stupid even before in atl but never this...
I just want to say same...whats with below or average pg shooters coming to dal and sudenly becoming 3pt specialists...i remember kidd sucking and...
I hope this win will open eyes to kobe and byron,it shows that team can take some load of kobe shoulders,and to stop overusing him. But i can...
Just one word...painfull, that how i felt last night watching game... The higlight was kobe pumpfaking 5 times,geting blocked( i dont care if he...