So I'm playing Sonic 3. With one hand. I was tired of switching back from the d pad to the face buttons, so I put A and B to L1 and L2. I decided...
This series started 7 years ago, every show was on the 20th of June, which Father's Day fell on sometimes. The videos are bizarre, graphic and...
Saving me a lot of time. I'm barely into, but it's an odd RPG. More like Zelda than any other I've played.
I played the 1st Arkham. Liked it. Everyone said the 2nd is way better. Never played any of the others.
I'm hacking the grass, like Zelda, and nothing. Is that a waste of energy?
Finished Chrono Trigger. Last half of the story was better and the last few bosses were actually tough. So I'm gonna make a poll which one I start...
Science, b****.
Don't go swimming without it. [MEDIA]
Don't forget his "I'm going to stop playing D when I get 4 or 5 foul so can keep that asinine streak alive." Or, I'm going to pass up good shots...
Talking about Wilt. I don't think West or Baylor ever padded their stats.
I know the answer but some people are very defensive when it comes to their giant.
Can anyone else think of a player who massed up crazy numbers but had a losing Finals record?
He's a ball stopper but pure scorer. I feel like he's a smaller Melo. Which does have plenty of upside.
They are booing Silva :) good.
It looked like the 2012 game vs Argentina Good for him, David West (I guess) Zaza and Javale.
Worst case scenario he'll be Malone in the late 90, with a better handle and jump shot.
Yes, all 4 points of his 41. He's gonna be top or near it in every category both regular and postseason. But he really need that four points *eye...
That's cynical. Considering he was the only that could hit a shot for 6 min, I'll give him another 4 points. Anyway, it's not like he needs it.
Teammates matter *shrug.
He is not going to be called a coattailer.