Again if all we want is to be competitive... then mission accomplished. But we've all agreed that we are probably a piece or two away if the...
The reason the 2nd Amendment was important is because it kept the government from dominating its citizens. With the advent of nuclear weapons and...
If there was a senior dunk competition, Dwight would have won.
On one hand people said we needed to trade everyone to go to win now mode. Now people are saying we need to take our time with Boogie? I get...
But at 22 there's a dramatic difference...
Why were all of them on the finalist list then?
Yale university scientists determine 68,000 lives would be saved per year with Medicare 4 All...
I'd rather have Zach than Randle but their numbers per 36 aren't really different. The danger in signing him is that he's a max player but he's a...
LeBron AD KD Kawhi Harden PG Butler Kyrie Klay Steph Russ Kemba Who do you all think makes the team? I'd guess these unless they go with a...
You call me simple minded, yet you are the one who came up with the brilliant theory that I am an Arab because I don't agree with you. I never...
The 2nd amendment is obsolete. For it to be relevant in 2020... people would have to be allowed to own nuclear weapons and weaponized drones....
I could post here 20,000 times and I'd never come up with a theory as outrageous that I'm an Arabic Pelicans fan that for some reason decided to...
I don't have a problem with people giving me crap... I already said that was fine. Doesn't bother me in the slightest. I'm pointing out that...
You don't want to "waste" money on college and healthcare, I don't want to waste money on endless war which I believe makes the world less safe...
Last year no one would have... I already agreed with that. So I don't find fault with that... but a visionary might have seen it This year Hart...
Because we had some good defensive wings or could have drafted one. We could have kept Hart over Kuzma So sure it's a sore point that flares up...
I have been proactive about suggesting solutions. I made a long post about how we shot three pointers well, but were among the last teams in 3...
I said "closer to .500" I'll admit that I was lazy and didn't take into account the last four or five games... but there was an extended period...
What do you mean imaginary line? The Pels were a quarter of a game away last night from having the exact same record as us over the last 26 games...