We are positioned well this year... and I will be rooting for us to succeed all the way. I praised Rob for his last minute signings. But unless...
If he's shooting 58% from the corners... and 30.6 in total. The flipside is how horrible must his percentages be from anywhere else from three.
Uhhh... maybe wanting a team with more depth and assets?
I said it was smart politics... but also cynical. If you think the timing is no coincidence... well, that is your right.
I already admitted that you are right. I am an Arabic, trans, communist Pelicans fan who's bitter against AD because he stole my...
My point is that we traded for the less transformative player
It's DNC collusion just like they did for Hillary. They know they need candidates with over 15% so they combine forces. Meanwhile Warren stays...
I wish it were that easy. I was born in the heart of Los Angeles. In the city properly and grew up with a family that had season tickets to the...
And I would rather have traded for Zion than AD. If you are going to give up everyone... at least do it for someone who impacts your ability to win.
Thanks to us he's on a good team. They weren't going anywhere with Jrue only. As much as he works hard and has some skills... he still makes...
Well he's scoring more per 36 at 19 years old than Jordan at 21... so offensively speaking, it's not crazy to say...
Ah, thank God Waiters isn't the only one we are considering.
It's not the points... it's the incredible efficiency of his scoring. No doubt LBJ was a more well rounded player even at 19... but Zion rebounds...
Comparison of Zion at 19 and LBJ at 19 Look at the per 36 numbers (as he's not playing full minutes yet)...
LBJ is amazing, but although he can go for a few more years at a high level... it's only a matter of time before he slows down. Remember he and...
Our problem is that LBJ is 35 and AD is 26. If LBJ was 26 and AD was 35, we'd have a much brighter future. I would have traded the six assets...
The Pelicans are undermanned at the center/rim protector position. It's the only reason I don't fear them in the playoffs. I'm not saying they...
I hope we are intentionally tanking this game so we play Memphis instead of Portland or the Pelicans
If you take the whole of the European union, then it does compare with the scale of the United States. Including some of the issues with illegal...
We ranked as high as 17th in late seventies for life expectancy but by the early 2010s we fell as low as 43rd...