I think ar should come of the bench, hes not getting it done against den starters and our bench is giving us nothing
jeannie n rob should not pick the hc anymore
what's interesting is den players besides murry never left their side of the court thus Gordon right under the basket n of course rui looked...
can't say rui has a high lvl iq
guess mgmt loves failures or can't admit to one
anything coming down to ham is a FAIL
trade him to okc for chet n picks lol
ham 2 TO left after mpj 3 to tie....great coaching....bron open 3 wasnt by design either lol
love saving TO n challenges lol....but our TO us mostly for energy, I doubt ham has any clue what set to run, shouldve called 1 n drew up...
hard to be optimistic with that moron ham at the helm
porter made contact twice, 1st the arm lock then follow thru on dlo's head
to much time left on clock even if he had made it
he also didn't even try to not allow murry the switch, bron on murry couldve been better, ad was gased he wasn't going to contest a fadeaway j
marginal contact lol, the word contact is there it's a foul
I can, to much clock left, even if he made it den would've had a play setup for 3 as oppose to our d****** coach
don't think he did a great job on murry n he was mostly standing around 3pt line on O
I knew it was gona happen once Ham got Gabe back, hes gona run that 3 g lineup every chance he gets
he doesnt need to even say it...lot of us see him as a coach that doesnt know what to do
funny n sad same time lol
dlo is like randle in playoffs, something just doesn't when it comes to playoffs