he's definitely put on some weight over time, and not all of it is "good weight", if you will. the mavs weren't wrong that i think he'd be...
again, not positive goodwin is better than olivari. guessing traore will come back like olivari, as i'm not sure he's a hot commodity either.
people asked why nico harrison didn't want to tell anyone about what was happening... like...how do you dig out of this one now? how much lower...
yeah, i really liked hubie growing up. he became a meme of sorts, but i think most of it was actually out of love.
it's approaching a back-to-back with the earlier start, so it makes sense to be cautious here. sucks that we'll probably a drop a game that...
this is why i thought we had a shot at luka. i just thought he'd be the one asking out. turns out they tried to smoke him out, and when he...
some draft guys whom i respect had springer high on their boards a couple years ago. seems like someone to take a look at. also, if he panned...
goodwin played ok against us a couple times, iirc, but i still would like to try to develop olivari? don't we have davonte graham in our g league...
yeah, guessing there are two sides here, and all of this is accurate. riley's learning he can't rule with an iron fist, and he knows that this...
good plug from him on the value of counseling--even if you don't think you need it. i wish everyone could afford it.
so much gold here, but these were my favorites.
everyone's idol danny ainge had kevin garnett fall in his lap. rob could have made one of the many panic trades people wanted and been unable to...
yeah, he was really good. his case of the yips is among the worst i've seen. the injuries didn't help, obviously, but i think it's the mental...
i don't see it quite as three ball-dominant players, either. i really see it as one ball-dominant player (luka). lebron does it, but shouldn't...
i definitely see reaves as a manu, and he played great off the bench, and it was good for him and his team. and he closed games and had the ball...
yeah, i tuned in for the end of the boston game, and their scrubs went on a crazy run where they couldn't miss for like, 7 minutes, but it didn't...
murray will still kill us. but we have enough size on the perimeter that the days of getting scorched by mpj should be over. and as someone else...
i think he is ideally just a 20mpg player. as folks have harped on, he can be schemed out of certain situations on offense, but just having him...
yep, get us one more win tomorrow, then begin the process of torch passing, hopefully playing with a lot of energy but for only 28-30mpg.
honestly, we should probably pull for the clips to sign ben. he's basically a net negative on the floor now. they'd have to do some significant...