i do think his limited minutes in sac was largely about them playing small a lot. i imagine we'll use him similarly and play similarly small....
yeah, i think denver will have a harder time stopping us now, but our issues containing jokic and murray will remain.
both THT and nunn were klutch guys, right?
you shouldn't. he's their third most important player, and stats might suggest he's actually the second ahead of kyrie (!). those numbers were...
yeah, i think next year the mavs will be a bigger concern. even if they get healthy this year, they'll be constructing an identity and scheme on...
you know hayes is just thrilled right now, as he may be headed for an above-vet-min deal when there was a decent chance pre-luka that he might...
yeah, anyone can get hurt. they ARE hurt.
this mavs writer doesn't share your rosy outlook: i think there's a decent chance AD has surgery, based on some of the tea leaves. anyway, yes,...
yeah, i watched those clips and was like, if someone randomly found me for 15 seconds on any given day, they might see me not smile or talk to...
lively has a stress fracture in his ankle, so he'll be out a while. AD will be out a while, gafford will be out a while, and martin, i believe,...
I think it’s funny we’re calling him beefy when he’s basically AD’s size, but whatevs, he’s big enough and has a lot of experience without being...
guessing we won't gel in time to win it this year, but i think we get into the second round and put the fear of the lord into someone. i could...
i actually think he is that good, svtzr. when we first got him, i remember thinking: we got a skinny rodman! his energy, hustle, focus, and...
curious to see what he's got left in the tank, but yeah, it's not a wow move. honestly would have liked theis more (but maybe that was never...
until marks's post, i wasn't sure we could do it twice--pretty sure thrice is out. as it stands, i'd cut morris and sign goodwin. if a big goes...
smart was moved in the zinger deal--but they had originally tried to keep him out of it. and here we are, 18 months later and smart is basically...
i don't think so. he made the same decision we did, lol.
again, feel bad for klay he didn't sign on for luka to be moved. but he continues to be all class, just like AD. max fits in this way, too, imo.
was never a good fit as a pf on a roster with two superstar pfs. i imagine he'll get another shot on a vet min somewhere next year. not even...
were there any AR bashers? i honestly don't recall any. lol even the folks always trying to trade him seem to like him.