That first place Defensive Rating just makes my heart smile. It’s something that the entire team can be proud of- let’s hope they can keep up the...
If he could play this type of game, two out of three nights, he would stick with a team. I like mature DLO, but he’s just too wildly inconsistent...
They nuked the middle class and that’s one of the reasons I recently left.
Corporate prices yield corporate fans. I do believe that the insane increase of threes, which make the game boring to watch, do play a factor in...
I would need at least 2 seconds back to take on the always injured Lonzo. Yeah, Kuz interest is all from his camp.
Still need to be a top 10 defensive team to have a chance.
He’s starting to turn into that player we hoped he‘de become. Credit to JJ for giving the kid real burn.
He’s finally starting to earn his paycheck!
HIM is back!!! I guess there’s some mojo linked to the headband.
Just get back on D after you don’t get a call so we don’t have to watch the other team dunk in us. It’s the most annoying thing about his game....
This is one of the reasons that I believe the AD/LeBron era has run its course. AD does still fall a lot on offense, but the rest of the times, he...
Guys, he’s quite possibly only two weeks away!!!
Man, I wish that one of these dudes were a great defender. They really have a bond and will be bummed when they can’t play together anymore.
Trevor Lane said something that I kind of agree with regarding Max- it was something like “we need a guy the Max Christie five years from now.” I...
Rob ain’t doing a thing, again. I believe that he has no faith in this team going far with the realistic additions we could trade for. I don’t...
I think it’s just hard for most to get excited about this current team. That being said, without AD, this group would be unwatchable.
The Phil- Ham mashup?!? :Laugh:
I would love to finally get the Murray deal done, but is NOLA really interested in trading us another high level player? I would be shocked if...
We definitely need a new title for this thread. “He’s still refusing to give AD what he wants” “He’s pretending to do his job” “He’s still...