I don't know this guy to be honest. If he can defend at a high level, good. If not cut him.
The Lakers are being praised as a winner in this off-season. I say lets wait and see. Schröder and Harrell are sure extraordinary bench players...
Trading Green and Kuz for Oladipo is a risk I'm easily willing to take.
I'm optimistic they will continue with the Clippers tradition... Flaming out in the regular season or flaming out through a choke job in the...
THe question for me is will he grow up? In his first season he looked like the guy that had "it"...something Ball and Ingram didn't look like...
Watching the Clippers flame out in historic fashion seriously was as much fun as the title 2020. SO many players on their roster that I hate,...
I hope they will suck. I hate them. To see Harden and Pringles suffer was fun to watch.
Lol, must be great when your best quality is not being afraid of your superstar :D Way to go Ballmer...
I'm just happy Clippers homers will STFU for a while. I was tired of the BS and overhyping.
The guy is responsible for one third or a quarter of all 1-3 comebacks in the post season lol
When LeBron is aggressive...he is the most intimidating force in the NBA. Giannis, Zion and Kawhi cannot compare to the speed/bulk combination....
Must win game and we approached it the right way....great weekend!
He has been excellent overall the last few games. Has stepped up and been very aggressive. Still man...if he posts up, he doesn't seem to be able...
I think there is a decent chance to catch the Bucks...they have a tougher schedule remaining and they are just 2 wins ahead. Question is...would...
Caruso would play 30 mpg if he wasn't a complete black hole on offense. The guy plays solid D and not a liability on the court. But he gives you...
Definitely MVP of this game. Without his comforting 3 ball, we lose this game. He set the tone early on defense and Beverley kind of avoided him...
He had a great game. Earned every minute and he was our most active defender next to AD I felt. Also he went for the offensive rebound...
^I agree. Lonzo is contributing and he is doing it rather consistently. His 3 ball is falling at a 38% rate which is another plus. It seems like...
Great hustle so far against the Clips. But he just can't make open threes. I don't care how much he worked on it. It's as terrible as last year.