I dont get why Chriss got a suspension. he was defending himself
I still do not get why they traded zubac and beasely. like really wtf. I'm already done for the season watching this team. that loss to the suns...
way to go trading zubac for a pile of crap....
electric rake > KCP
I'm all in the tank thread. let's get Zion! lol
who would of thought
we all knew the time frame was gonna be more than 6 weeks. I just hope we are still in the playoff race and hes back in time to play like his old...
spurs lost today. clippers unfortunately looking like will win. but at least gained a game on someone. jazz might lose today also against the...
what the hell was the point of the zubac trade anyways? to get a stretch 5? when the so called stretch big cant even make shots. wtf zubac was up...
not that I like melo but another factor about him not playing and getting waived could involve antoni.... especially with how their past played out
just thinking of a potential lonzo kyrie back court......:Noddingyes:
so essentially we traded zubac and beasely for chicken marsala and carmelo
time to repair the chemistry magic and rob. and have this team make a playoff run
I didn't like the exchange between lance and moe, like yea it was frustration with them getting blown out and losing the rebound. but lance just...
magic and rob need to have a sit down with the team and just let it all air out. and try to fix this team cuz of all the rumors. it obviously...
it did. from the trade demand from Davis to the pelicans not accepting any offers no matter how hard magic and rob tried, it essentially killed...
remember how good we looked on that christmas game... good times
expecting some trades to go down tomorrow. just my firm belief to keep myself sane toward this team
pretty much summed it up