May the odds be ever in our favor... A couple of days (and pages) ago, I said I'd be ok losing it since Byron's no longer our coach. But today?...
Just exactly how many late game controversial non-calls are gonna go the Thunder's way in this year's playoffs? Man... it's unreal.
I'm just glad it's not a Bron-Wade bromance in the ECF. I want to root for the Raptors this series... but their backcourt can get wildly...
I'd be fine either way. If we lose it, well that's how dem balls bounce. If we keep it, awesome! I mean, if we still had Byron and then lose it?...
Casey starting rookie Norman Powell again... against Dwyane Wade... in a playoff game. Dude is asking to get fired.
Either the team needs to be blown up or Casey needs to go. 3 years in and this is what you have to show up for? 2 first round exists and...
And right on cue... Raptors stink in overtime.
Lowry just sent it to overtime with a shot from halfcourt!
Im so optimistic and excited about this hire that even if we dont make the playoffs for a couple more years, I wont even be upset. we will finally...
Sooo... any ideas for his assistants? MWP maybe? Blatt? Messina?
Whoa! Just started browsing thru my sports sites today and what do I see? LLLLLLUUUUKKKKEEEEE!!!! My switch to this avatar very early in the...
hey Draymond... you can come along with our boy Luke. :Magic Brows:
Jeannie's twitter account is gonna light up with a lot of Byron chants this summer...
"So where were you when the Warriors set the regular season record with 73 wins?" "Oh ya know... chillin' at home... watchin' Kobe drop 60 points...
One of my favorite moments from last night.
I'm all for the BoyScott if he's brought back. FML if he's back... what a terrible way to sour on Kobe's perfect ending last night.
Any time now, Jeannie... any time now...
Just take a look at the NBA headlines today. On a night the Warriors broke an NBA record with 73 wins, the top of the headlines is the Mamba's 60...
#Legend... that is all... I'm speechless and in tears...