So Lou is the PG tonight? Are you kidding me???
#1 should be Jeannie Buss to stop retweeting pics of babies / kids in Lakers gear and get to work, which would bring us to step 1b:...
LOL, that's priceless! Kemba got curry'd
Even the biggest Superman fanboy on Youtube I know (game reviewer Angry Joe) is disappointed in the trailer. Look, I'll still give it a shot. But...
DNP - Circus Act Remarks
Ok... just watched the trailer this morning. My .02 Canadian cents: 1. The Facebook movie guy as Lex Luthor? They couldn't get anyone better?...
Hawks were up big against the Raptors in the first half... and then they got Kyle Lowry'd. Dude just took over. I always admire his game even in...
I know these vintage performances will be rare this season givin his age and all that... but if there's one team out there I want to him pull one...
Thanks for the highlights Cachooka!
Russ should've been there alongside JC and Julius and experience how Kobe did it for 20 years winning games like that. Cuz you know... chemistry,...
It's a travesty Philly has more wins than Luke Walton at this point of his coaching career. They're now 20-0. If he doesn't get any head...
19 boards??? :Headbang:
Seeing the ghost of Kobe Prime show up for about a minute or two in the clutch was good for overall morale.
The ghost of prime Kobe saved your sorry butt tonight, Byron.
It sucks that JC and Julius got to be on the floor while Kobe pulled out one more vintage performance down the stretch tonight. Russ could've used...
Is Magic running out of people to blame? He talks of someone helping Jim help with the basketball decisions. He does realize that Jim does have...
*Whew* We dodged that bonehead bullet!
Nance at C. Book it!